Home Health 10 Tips From Experts About Saving Money For Big Events

10 Tips From Experts About Saving Money For Big Events


If you have multiple sources of income, consider dedicating one of them specifically to your big-ticket item. “Working a second job or side hustle can be much less demoralizing if every dollar you earn from it goes into a vacation fund, for example,” says Ann Martin, operations director at CreditDonkey, a financial review and comparison website.

Another thought is once a month do a no spend week, where you spend money only on what is absolutely necessary. Money that you would have put toward that morning coffee at Starbucks or drinks after work that will go in savings instead. 

Another idea: You could have extra cash lying around in your garage or attic. Are there clothes and other items you might be able to sell online or elsewhere? Put that money in your stash. If you get a bonus, or a tax refund, or any pleasant monetary surprises, a portion of it can go toward your goal.

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